As there is no real LZB for our simulator and the LZB for Munich –
Augsburg was not available for licensing reasons which allow you to
drive fast, a couple of curiosities have been built in. The transit
through the stations Luckenwalde, Luckenwalde GBf and Jüterborg
has been limited to 160 km/h.作者: fanzhiling 时间: 2013-11-5 16:55
RSC貌似只对英美德的插件感兴趣,弄得好像全世界就这三个国家有铁路似的!中国的插件我是不指望他们会出了,好歹法国、西班牙、东欧、俄罗斯等等欧洲其他国家的车辆、线路也出点啊!作者: china-Rail 时间: 2013-11-6 13:12