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本帖最后由 AGASAHIROSHI 于 2012-8-16 20:20 编辑
Train Simulator 2013 will launch worldwide on Steam on September 20. TS2013 will include fabulous new routes complete with locomotives from around the world. As well as new content, new control options and navigation in-game provide more flexibility and control for players.
For the first time, Train Simulator 2013 will boast Microsoft Xbox 360® controller compatibility, enabling players to get away from their desks and drive in front of their TVs. Players around the world will also be able combine efforts to complete scenarios via Relay Play. Advances in control options and menus, such as Quick Drive, will make the experience more accessible to newcomers while offering enhanced gameplay to experienced train simmers. Also for the first time, Steam Workshop™ will be fully integrated into Train Simulator 2013, allowing users to create and share content with players from all over the world.
In addition to further-enhanced graphics and performance, Train Simulator 2013 features exciting new local content for the UK, US and Germany in the form of London to Brighton, Sherman Hill and Munich-Augsburg route complete with locomotives. TS2013 will also feature updated HUDs, including a minimal HUD with just the bare essentials, which can be adjusted to be less intrusive. Significant improvements have been made to the 2D task map, which can be viewed while driving: players can now skip to each destination along the route in order, and back to their train. Players can also highlight destinations in the world while driving, a particularly useful feature when shunting/switching.
Train Simulator 2013 Steam Edition: full content and feature list
- Sherman Hill route with new ES44AC, SD70M and SW10
- Munich-Augsburg route with ICE 3M Class 406
- London to Brighton route with Class 377 Electrostar
- Xbox 360 controller compatibility alongside keyboard and mouse controls
- Relay Play allows you to team up with friends to complete scenarios
- Quick Drive menu system allows choice of loco, consist, route and weather
- Collection menu displays your locos and routes: simply select and drive
- Steam Workshop allows players to create and share custom content
- Graphical improvements including enhanced weather effects
- New catenary tool to create more realistic catenary
Boxed versions will be available in selected stores from October: pack contents may vary in different countries to include local routes and locomotives.
- What will happen if I already own Train Simulator 2012?
Your software will be updated, giving you the new user interface, new control and menu options and Steam Workshop integration. However, you will not automatically get the new TS2013 routes and locos.
- How can I get the new TS2013 routes and locos?
Simply purchase TS2013! If you already have TS2012, then buying TS2013 from Steam is a significantly cheaper way to get the three premium routes, plus locos, instead of buying them as separate DLC downloads. Further discounts maybe available closer to the launch day – keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates.
- What will happen to my existing TS2012 DLC?
Any DLC you already have will still be available to you. Remember, with Steam you can always verify your local files and make sure that you have all your DLC. Click here to find out how to do this: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335
- What will happen to any third-party DLC or self-created routes/assets?
We recommend that you back up all third-party and self-created items, including work in progress, by following these instructions:
If you are running the 32 bit version of Windows, the TS2012 files will be located at: Program files\Steam\Steamapps\common\railworks. If you are running the 64 bit version of Windows, the files will be located at: Program files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\railworks. Navigate to the appropriate directory and copy all of the files and sub directories to a suitable backup device or drive.
If you have any further concerns, please contact the third-party developer in question for more information.
- What should I do if I can’t get it to work after the upgrade?
Tell us! Email us at support@railsimulator.com with a description of the problem, and our support team will investigate it and offer advice on how to resolve it.
- What if I have any questions not covered here?
Email us at support@railsimulator.com and we will do our best to answer your queries.
详见官方博客:http://www.engine-driver.com/2012/08/train-simulator-2013-announced-for-20th.html |